Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Dots and Boxes

Last Friday our challenge was to learn a new game.We were given a piece of paper with dots on in a grid formation. We took turns to draw a line. If on your turn, your line completed the box - you wrote your name in the box and had another turn. We had to think carefully about where we draw our line.
We learned about having a strategy.


  1. Lots of thinking involved Room 24. I bet you had to be sneaky to out think your partner.

  2. Paul play it with me at home. It is fun to play it.

  3. Sienna Wilton (Indi Wiltons big sister).12 April 2019 at 08:53

    What an amazing bunch of children you have this year.😃
    I hope you all have a fantastic year with Wonderful Mrs Dijkstra.
