Sunday, 26 May 2019

Family Treasures

Children from room 24 have been bringing to school and talking about a Treasure that is special to their family and reflects their culture. It has been so interesting!!!

 Janessa with pewter forks from Cambodia.

 Jeremy with a toy that is very popular in Taiwan.

                                     William with sand from the beach, as he loves to surf.

 Brian has a red envelope.

Alvin brought along a red lantern.

Pink Shirt Day

Here are some of our class dressed in Pink on Pink Shirt Day We watched the video "Oat the Goat" who reminded us to make good choices and be kind to others.

Walk to School Week

Here we are with our Funky Feet.
Here we are looking bright.
Here we are as a twin with our self
Here we are with our Wacky Hair

Here we are as Bestie Triplets

                                                        Alex was a twin with Jeremy.

                                                     William is part of the Fencibles Team


Monday, 13 May 2019

Tinker time with Beads

As part of our Tinker time we get to work with Hama beads. Our focus this time round was to create a design that celebrates " The Year of the Pig" Oh so cute!! However as they used up all the pink beads because it was tricky to make a small version, we are now going to design Butterflies to compliment our Arts Week art work. 

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Structures

 Our Friday challenge this week was to work with a buddy to make a cube and pyramid using marshmallows and spaghetti noodles. The idea was to create a stable structure. Next time we hope to have more marshmallows so that we can design and build taller and bigger structures whilst keeping them stable. 

Playing String Games

We have discovered that String games are played both in Chinese and Maori culture. Ashton is our class expert and he taught us a neat trick.